You can download the application directly from this blog. What new features can be found on this browser? Here is an
explanation and download link.
There are some explanation from official website opera.
Opera Mini enables you to take your full Web experience to your mobile phone. Stay in touch with your friends on
Facebook, search with Google, get your e-mail on the go, do your online banking. There are no limits – Opera Mini is the
quick, easy and secure way to get any Web page you want.
Opera Mini is now available as a native version for Symbian. This means improvements in loading time (overall) and a
flawless integration with your phone! (artinya apa ya ?) :v
New Feature:
- . Faster start up time.
- . Even faster page loading.
- . Improved scrolling performance.
- . Integration with your your phone native input.
- . Improved performance, especially for older S60 devices.
- . Improved fonts.
- . Device integration for cut-and-paste, email client and more.
- . No more dialogue boxes asking permission to connect to the Web.
Opera Mini 6.1 s60v3 s60v5 (original)
Opera Mini 6.1 clone (three)
[Download ]
Nb: jangan lupa baca pengaturan yang sudah di sertakan di dalam file zip
Makasih buat kang ahariadi untuk opmin clonenya :D
Kalo Mau Ngopas Sertakan Sumbernya Bozzz : Hargai Orang Lain Jika Anda Ingin Dihargai.
Terimakasih sudah membaca artikel New...! Opmin 6.1 For S60v3 S60v5 (Three) dengan URL Sempatkan juga untuk membaca artikel-artikel menarik lainnya.
PERTAMAX YESS..!! \ (ºДº)\/
BalasHapus@2lima sip pertamax sudah di amankan :x
BalasHapuswih udh sukses boz hehe
BalasHapusPnya link & stingan buat ninbuz gx
Ane pke Sc tere
@Anonim g make nimbuzz gan, tpi coba isi host aja. Kali aj bs :D
BalasHapusowh gtu klo buat bolt ada gx?
BalasHapusSc ane tere
@Anonim nanti di postingin :D tunggu ya.
BalasHapusKunjungan sob..opmin clone ane dah punya tuh dulu ndownloadin mo ane a.k.a bleksedo wkwkKunjungan sob..opmin clone ane dah punya tuh dulu ndownloadin mo ane a.k.a bleksedo wkwk
BalasHapuskang,, gmna sh edit opmin sis biar bsa d uprek gratisan?
BalasHapusAne dr dlu brtnya2... Apanya yg d uprek,, ckckck...tisan?tisan?
Ane dr dlu brtnya2... Apanya yg d uprek,, ckckck...tisan?
Assalamu alaikum dan selamat siang...
BalasHapusLapor bos... Apa ada opmin yg bs menampilkn smile/gambar yg bergerak..?? Kalo di buka di web smilex bs bergerak knp di opmin gak bs ya bos..??