phone in tree view
For Hacked System:
If you are using X-plore V.1.5x
- cr@ck by MTOi Go to (C:\MTOi\)
and delete (MTOi.x-plore)
For unHacked System:
If you want to use the X-plore
V.1.57 - cr@ck For UNHacked System by MTOi You have to be delete X-plore V.1.57 when it stops work and
Reinstall X-plore and open it then install X-plore V.1.57-cr@ck For UNHacked System.sisx in rar file All credit to MTOi.
Yang minat monggo...
x-plore v.1.57 crcked for hcked system by mtoi.rar
x-plore v.1.57 crcked for
unhacked system by mtoi.rar
Semoga bermanfaat :x
Sumber: NeoMegaByte
Post By : http://ponsel-tips.blogspot.com
Terimakasih sudah membaca artikel LCG X-plore V.1.57 cr@cked By MTOi S60v3 v5 S^3 Anna Belle dengan URL http://ponsel-tips.blogspot.com/2012/03/lcg-x-plore-v157-crcked-by-mtoi-s60v3.html. Sempatkan juga untuk membaca artikel-artikel menarik lainnya.
xplore ini lebih bagus drpada xplore yg lain" nya mas ??
BalasHapusLangsung Sedot.. Mudah2an Bisa Di Extrak Dan Instal...
BalasHapusLangsung Sedot.. Mudah2an Bisa Di Extrak Dan Instal...
BalasHapus2icon ya..?
BalasHapustp koq app yg cracked g bs dbuka..?
hengky@ file (MTOi.x-plore) di hapus g?
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