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27 Mei 2011

UC Browser 8.0 Handler Fix1 UI150 (Perbaikan Bug Dari Versi 8.0)

Apa bedanya dengan ucbrowser v8.0 handler...? Di versi ini ada sedikit Perbaikan Bug oleh om yk_handler, settingan handler yang sudah kita simpan tidak akan hilang meskipun sudah keluar dari aplikasi.

uC Browser 8.0 Handler Fix1

uC Browser 8.0 Handler Fix1

Adapun fitur terbaru dari UC Browser 8.0 Handler sebagai berikut:
1. Download more powerful: to increase faster download offline, so yousave time and traffic that province. Download thefile, select the pagebefore downloading prompted to download offline, can be kept to anetwork disk and memory to the transfer station way todownload. If youwant to network disk files downloaded to local storage, you can download off-line download manager page, select save to the local.

2. V3/V5/Symbian 3 view pictures on the new model in the browser andother microblogging map page, a key to activatethe plug-mode browse all images for easy and smooth, Figure Gengshuang. You can right-click menu,main menu, shortcut keys and other entry view images.

3. Registered users login, page will see your own avatar, individuality, enjoyment exclusively to your mobile phone browser.

4. Bookmarking optimization: Improvingthe bookmark move, delete, synchronization and other management operations, clear and simple; bookmark support multi-level directory to help you better manage alarge number of bookmarks.

5. The browser page to complete pre- reading, you can press the forward (keyboard machine according to [9] key) to open the next page, a key to enter the next page, saving even more peace of mind.

6. History function optimization: History inthe new look by the time interval, showing more clearly, to find more convenient.

7. Support page up and down volume keys.

8. To solve the same position when the Wifi switch automatically with in a certain time, the question prompted repeatedly to reduce the disturbing, intelligent caring.

9. Clipboard increase in the number 10. Community sharing feature optimization: at any time to it, and better sharing.

Fixed Saving Text Config by: yk_ handler

Maaf lagi males translate jadi silahkan translate sendiri :D


Link di atas dari plunder, tapi jangan kawatir tida ada masalah untuk mendownload di plunder, karena sekarang plunder sudah normal kembali.

Post by: http://ponsel-tips.blogspot.com SHARE TWEET
Terimakasih sudah membaca artikel UC Browser 8.0 Handler Fix1 UI150 (Perbaikan Bug Dari Versi 8.0) dengan URL http://ponsel-tips.blogspot.com/2011/05/uc-browser-80-handler-fix1-ui150.html. Sempatkan juga untuk membaca artikel-artikel menarik lainnya.


  1. mantap kang semut...
    Izin BM yak :

  2. @Anonim monggo kang, makasih buat komengnya :x

  3. nggak mo konek kalo pake ucweb bro..belum nemu settingan yg bner2 manteb ya bro??

  4. Anonim@pke tere msh mantep

  5. mantep neh uc8 ft tere....josssss.... :D

  6. tancep terus mang :D

  7. @SeMut hpku gak work kang .wkakaka
    tapi bagus aja liat prkembangan handler :D

  8. @astro INDex hooh salut dah buat yk_handler...

  9. gk koneq gan. oh y, agan pasang iklan apaan di blog?

  10. @Mr.Afa ane g masang iklan gan

  11. Mas Bsa nga Uc Browser Handler di Setting n di isi menu handlernya spaya bsa dgunakn untk di pke mlalui Paket Data Opera Mini Telkomsel.....???

  12. Gan koq gax bisa buat download format jar,mp3,tapi mp4 bisa,gmana ni gan ..

  13. @Anonim kurang tau sob g make tsel

  14. @anonimbs qo gan, d ane bs buat dnld apa aja

  15. Setting uc browser handler agr bsa brjln di server opera mini 5 n 6.......???Ad yg tau nga....???

  16. @Anonim maksudnya gmana si? Kan udh ada sndri2 setinganya

  17. Mantap beb,handler top banget.

  18. mas bro minta setinga ucweb tere nya dong! coz q cari di om google g da yg btl.

  19. @Anonim cari di label trik three kang dah pernah di share
