Nah, kali ini untuk ponsel s60v3 pun sudah ada yaitu TTPod v3.80 Beta3.
Kita lihat yuk apa saja featur-fiturnya:
#. Supported formats: МР3/WМА/ МР4/М4А/ОGG/ААС/MID/AMR;
#. 10-band equalizer and predefined presets;
# Built-in song details viewer and ID3tag editor; ● Support skins and visual effects.
#. Search and download music, covers, lyrics from the Internet;
#. Portrait and landscape display orientation;
#. Selectable playback modes;
#. Hot-keys support;
#. Sleep-timer; and many more....
What's new:
*. Fixed restart bug on N78 and 5320
*. Fixed bug with pause on some models
*. Fixed bug with resuming playback after incoming call
*. Fixed bugs with mini-player *. Fixed problem with sleep timer (N79)
*. Optimized volume control *. Reduced memory consumption
*. Other minor fixes and improvements.

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manstab gan...numpang download dulu y
BalasHapus@Anonimoke gan sip ;)
BalasHapusNtu 4 pc apa 4 hp gan???
BalasHapusko rar si gan???? Bukanya sis/sisx di hp aq nda mendukung..!
@Anonimsetelah apps di dnwnload extrack dlu pke winrar atau mobyrar bru bs di instal gan